snarlydwarf;158395 Wrote: 
> It is a bit unclear from your posting: in your tests, were you using the
> web interface on the server (ie running firefox or whatever on the same
> machine as the files)?
> That can slow things down noticably, especially on older machines --
> there are a whole lot more "context changes" and, well, web browsers do
> suck.  Not to mention Softsqueeze can be sorta sucky too (not that the
> program itself sucks, it is impressive what it does, but Sun's Java VM
> can be icky too).
> So what you end up with is the footprint of Mysql, Slimserver,
> Firefox/IE/Whatever and Java...
> bem      20812  0.0 13.6 318120 34968 pts/3  S    09:26   0:00
> /home/bem/jre1.5.(etc)
> Yes, that means that Softsqueeze is, for reasons known only to Sun,
> using 318M of virtual memory.  Firefox is, at the moment, using only
> 100M...
> Obviously these can have a pretty nasty impact on performance.  The bad
> news is that there is very little Slim can do about Java sucking memory
> like a fat pig, or about all the mysterious memory leaks in Firefox... 
> the Good News is that with a real squeezebox in hand, it doesn't really
> matter how sucky Java and Firefox are: just don't run them on the
> server.
> You may want to try (while muttering at the UPS guy: what did they do,
> decide to route your package 3000 miles away in a shortcut?  I've seen
> that :/) running Slimserver on the G4 machine, but using Softsqueeze on
> the Mini.  This will let you get a better feel for how a real SB would
> perform (assuming the Mini has enough oomph to make the browser and
> java bloat less of an issue).
> Good luck with UPS...  at least most of the time they do reasonably
> well, but when they suck, they tend to -really- suck.

You seem to think pretty much everything sucks! Whilst I reserve
judgment on UPS, and Firefox has been behaving itself for me lately, I
take issue with your anti-Java rant. Having a JVM running certainly
adds a memory-usage overhead to your app, it's typically around
10-20mb. Java apps can leak memory just as easily as anything else, but
I notice you don't blame gcc for Firefox's memory problems :)

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