Pat Farrell;159868 Wrote: 
> Correct, and changing something from the language that the current
> developers are productive in to some other language of the week is
> silly.
> This thread, and others like it is pretty uselessI know there are some very 
> good reasons why slimserver shouldn't be
rewritten in another language. I'm also not suggesting a rewrite,
although it seems like I didn't make that clear enough in the initial
post in the thread. A rewrite just because you doesn't know perl also
isn't a good reason because it will cost you a lot less time to learn
perl than rewriting slimserver in another language.

But, the purpose with the thread was to check if there are some
developers available that really is willing to participate in a
rewrite. I suspect there isn't but I hope they prove me wrong (if they

Mostly when people are requesting a rewrite they asking someone else to
do it but aren't really willing to do any work themselves.

So if you feel a rewrite is a really bad idea, *PLEASE* don't scare
away developers who might actually be willing to do the work. 

(Now, lets hope all my "good" reputation on this forum hasn't been
destroyed by this thread)


Erland Isaksson
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