erland wrote:
> Pat Farrell;159868 Wrote: 
>> Correct, and changing something from the language that the current
>> developers are productive in to some other language of the week is
>> silly.
>> This thread, and others like it is pretty useless

> I know there are some very good reasons why slimserver shouldn't be
> rewritten in another language. I'm also not suggesting a rewrite,
> although it seems like I didn't make that clear enough in the initial
> post in the thread. A rewrite just because you doesn't know perl also
> isn't a good reason because it will cost you a lot less time to learn
> perl than rewriting slimserver in another language.

More than silly, a complete waste of time for all involved. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

To get serious, what goals do you see?
What defects can you fix? what enhancements will you enable?
What design and architecture do you propose to solve it?
How to you ensure it works on the variety of platforms that
are currently supported?

> But, the purpose with the thread was to check if there are some
> developers available that really is willing to participate in a
> rewrite. 

As Yoda says, there is no try, only do.

> So if you feel a rewrite is a really bad idea, *PLEASE* don't scare
> away developers who might actually be willing to do the work. 

I am not trying to scare anyone. I am trying to find what real reasons,
based on scientific facts, measurements, etc. are the goal.

>From years of reading the forums and mailing lists, the thing that
SlimServer needs the most is the most unlikely to ever get volunteers to
do. It needs definitions of what it does, Chris (I think) started a
thread over on developers and the wiki trying to say that. It needs QA.
It needs people to test it on weird platforms, and with weird setups.

For example, I used it totally happy on Mandriva starting with Mandrake
9. Then I moved to Mandrake 10, and Mandriva changed its name, 10.1,
2006. Now I'm trying Mandriva 2007. Installing it is a challenge.
Something that Mandriva's packaging guys did makes the SlimServer
unhappy. It takes days to figure this stuff out. At the end, you have
a SlimServer running on the same box, playing the same music that you
started with. There is _zero_ sex appeal in doing this.

Another clear example is instrumenting the code and finding out what is
slow, where the memory problems are, and either fixing them, or making
it easy for the developers to replicate and fix them. Again zero sex
appeal, but critically needed.

It is a ton more fun to pick a new language and hack something from
scratch. It is a lot less fun to make something pretty damn good be a
little better.

If anyone knows how to make RPMs, please contaxct me via email, so I can
get a nice Mandriva-friendly RPM of 6.5.1 working. I don't speak RPM
this week, but soon.


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