Siduhe wrote:
> ceejay;195229 Wrote: 
>> There are just so many layers in this thread its not true (no-one
>> complaining about their husband's ability to use the box?!).
> adamslim;195231 Wrote: 
>> Not sure it's that kind of forum mate ;)
> I said my piece on this about six months back and don't propose to
> sound off again.  However, this forum (like many others in the same
> area) has a level of background chatter which can be pretty offputting
> to the casual female browser and does (in my opinion) on occasions
> reinforce the idea that women can't do anything other than "plug and
> play" technology.  See also the "why my Squeezebox is not like my wife"
> thread.  
> I could perhaps join in and write about my boyfriend, however I
> wouldn't dream of posting about him (however gently and however much he
> would say the same thing about himself) in this kind of way on an
> internet message board. 
> I can only suggest that those who feel their significant other doesn't
> "get" the Squeezebox, actually try handing over the remote and the web
> interface and then getting the hell out of the way for the next two
> hours - not hovering behind saying "no, you don't do it like that" or
> "there's a quicker way to do that" and with a solemn promise that no
> matter how broken it gets, you won't get upset.  I suspect that might
> do a lot more for "WAF" (still hating that phrase, btw) than hiding the
> CDs...

Well, Siduhe, stereotypes exist for a reason. They're most often true. 

I'm glad to hear you're the exception. I did have to smile when another 
poster mentioned his wife suddenly asking where that wonderful music was 
coming from. The men feeling frustrated because his wife doesn't share 
his interests is a stereotype too. Many men here seem to fall into this 
category. Sad, but is the wife or the man to blame?

I'm quite lucky. My GF is moderately interested and likes the SB system 
as well as the linked MythTV, but even she forgets how to do things when 
she doesn't do them a lot, to my slight frustration. I think I put a 
wonderful system together and it's a little sad if other people can't 
use it.

I wonder if we die, how many of our widows would keep the system running...


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