haunyack;267563 Wrote: 
> No...I have not filed a "bug report" and do not intend to.

Well then how do you expect your problems to go away?  Do you think
they'll become aware of your problem through psychic divination?

It's obviously working on their machines.  Rant as you will, they
wouldn't put out something that was obviously broken.  So if they don't
know, they will have to assume things are OK.

> I don't care to be involved with the development aspect of this
> so-called "solution".
> Logitech has plenty of resources to pay for their own focus group, I
> just want to use the hardware.

Isn't this like whining and complaining that your car won't start but
refusing to take it to the garage for repair because the car company
won't send their own mechanics to your house?  And being upset that the
car company didn't do so because you very clearly made an irate forum
post - which should be enough to send their development team

Mark Lanctot

Ben Klass: "I won't even eat a pre-7.0 meal.  Well, unless it involves

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