Trying the latest (2166) build just mentioned has made things much worse
for me. I now can isolate this down to some problem with my receiver. I
can connect to my wireless network with my controller just fine, and I
can even find and control the SB1 in the bedroom fine every time.
However the receiver is continually not getting an IP from dhcp every
time I try to hold down the button to initiate a new connection. It
flashes red, and then on the controller it does its thing when I tell
it to set up, but every time it ends up getting a local 169.254
address. This happens with it connected via wired or wireless. Then
when I try to find a music source, of course it cant find one, since it
has no connection, and then the "Choose Player" disappears from the
controller menu, and in order to get it to return I have to restart the

I was by some fluke able to get the receiver connected once tonight, by
doing the procedure above and then going to squeezecenter and the
receiver showed up, and would even let me control it, even though it
wasn't working via the controller. Once I queued something up for it to
play via squeezecenter it then proceeded to show up on the controller
and I could see it. But as soon as I switched to my bedroom SB1 and
switched back to the receiver, sure enough it was gone again, and I
couldn't control it or hear it from anywhere. 

I was seriously considering putting two of these in the attic for sound
into bathrooms, but I'm second guessing this now as it seems it doesn't
reliably keep a connection. 

This is the second or third time I have had a problem like this since I
got it a few weeks back, previously I eventually got it connected again
without explanation and it worked for several days straight (albeit
with it dropping from the menu from time to time - as my original post
stated, but I could always bring it back by rebooting the controller)
now I'm back to this same situation with the receiver not getting an ip

Besides disabling DHCP on the router as described in the instructions
is there a way to force it to use a static IP? I want to leave DHCP
turned on for other stuff, but thinking maybe I can force the receiver
into a static ip if possible.

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