Having just finished setting up my Duet, I'm sat here thinking the
following about the hardware:

1) How about some IR transmission cabability on the player unit?

- this would have allowed the player (when switched on by the remote),
to control the amp it's attached to - perhaps powering it up (most amps
are IR controlled), with maybe a capability to send 4-5 IR commands in
sequence to select inputs etc.

- Also, direct volume control on the amp via the wireless controller.

2) Are my thumbs too big for the turney-wheel?

- My thumbs 'slip' on the wheel unless you press quite hard
(un-natrual), I think this is due to the matt-slippery finish of the
plastic - I keep thinking about fashioning a stick-on overlay for the
scroll wheel to make it more 'sticky' -licking my thumb looks stoopid.

(with his fat thumbs)

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