This isn't a public forum, it is a privately hosted and moderated
forum -- I don't see where there are free speech issues.  I can see
where Logitech would want to try and limit the dissemination of this
information.  I don't think I'd feel wrong moderating my own forum in
a way that I felt appropriate for my business, particularly if that
forum was an extension of that business.

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to this product!

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 3:51 PM, HectorHughMunro
> There are free speech issues.  If they want a forum to be taken
> seriously, it's a little high handed.
> The problem was a leak within their own network and the information
> went in to the public domain.
> Moderation IS appropriate when discussions are getting too heated or if
> things are being said that are untrue and create legal/moral exposures
> to maliciously disadvantage or victimise another party.  Cutting out
> remarks for convenience is another issue and seems wrong to me.  In
> these situations, the best way to judge the issue is to imagine doing
> it yourself and ask whether it would feel right - for me, it wouldn't.
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