iPhone;326905 Wrote: 
> My Internet bill has gone down by six dollars a month and my download
> speeds have gone from 2Mbps by 384Kbps upload to 21Mbps by 2Mbps over
> the last three years (steps were 2Mbps to 6 to 10 to 15 to 21Mbps).
Speed and caps are different issues. Yes speeds are increasing, they're
increasing everywhere. But caps are also coming, it's pretty much
guaranteed at this point. Cablevision already have "unspoken" caps
where they will silently slow you down if you use "too much" capacity,
without specifying what "too much" means. Sprint recently capped their
previously unlimited wireless data plans. Time Warner are trialling
capped access right now in Texas
Comcast have also said they're looking at it. So far, as far as I know,
Verizon are the only major ISP to explicitly say they're not considering
caps. I know I'll be on FIOS as soon as Comcast try anything in my area!

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