Randomthots wrote:
mark wrote:
someone else wrote:
The most prevalent means of spreading viruses is through binary attachments to plain-text e-mail messages. Precisely the manner of transmitting complex documents most loudly advocated for by those opposing html-mail.

This, in fact, ain't so. I get, oh, a hundred or hundred and fifty (or more) spams a day, and they don't usually have attachments.

I should have added that at least half or more are HTML (when I bother to view 'em that way, if they catch my sensahumor).

First, you really need to get a better ISP. I get very few little spam,

RoadRunner, cablemodem. Also tv.... Oh, and let's not forget the spam being forwarded to me from my email addy that I left half a continent away, nearly three years ago (actually, several old friends have gotten hold of my that way in the last year, so I put up with it).

And, of course, *that* ISP account got to be Verio, when they swallowed the older ISP, which had just swallowed the ISP I signed up with....
from the same domain and addy. Other than that, the spam I do receive is as likely to be in plaintext as html. So htmlmail != spam. And for the

Sorry, that's not an inequality. You say "as likely to be", which implies, as I mention, above, that half of it *is* HTML email. Certainly, a *LOT* of the drug peddlers show one thing in plaintext, and their sales pitch in HTML. So, spam #inludes html_and_plaintext.
What *is* common is HTML mail with a link that says one thing... but if you look at in as plaintext, it actually points to somewhere else.
Different problem. This is usually connected to a phishing scam and

Or trying to lure you to their site, either for clickthoughs or pr0n....
What's much more effective is an otherwise innocuous-appearing e-mail from someone you know that has a binary attachment -- perhaps a Word doc with a malicious macro. That's precisely how most of these really bad

Oh, yup. That's one thing that can get everyone. The only protection, turning off macros, can also result in a document you need, and it turning into a mess.
My biggest hazard with html-mail is that I'll open a spam that will then bang a server to get an image which confirms that my addy is live. But

Yup. Which is yet another reason that all my correspondents know that I *only* want plaintext.
even so, if that was a huge problem I would certainly be getting more spam than I am. And I've had this addy for the last 3 or 4 years with little problem.

And you've missed all those wonderful slice of life stories from Africa.... <g>


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