On 11/12/05, Sam Stainsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2. This idea that OpenOffice only concentrates on applications that are
> not available from other packages is completely bogus. Look at OpenOffice
> Draw for example and compare it to packages like Inkscape.

And OOoWriter v AbiWord and OOoBase v MySQL....

OOoImpress is fairly unique in the cross-platform open source presentation
world (I, personally, cannot name another such project). The same is true
for Calc.

The arguements against a mail client and PIM are the same as the ones
against Base from a year ago. (1) It takes away choice (2) It duplicates
other projects (3) It's not what it means to be "an office suite" or "a
productivity suite" or "OpenOffice.org" (4) The people who want/need it are
whiny n00bs who don't know anything about anything and (5) OOo can already
do it if you write this macro, hack this code, download this patch, compile
this completely unrelated program, build this bridge in Perl, and it only
works on Linux -- plus it's not gonna work exactly like you think it
should.. (NOTE: #5 is an exagration to prove a point, the "Copy and Paste"
suggestion is not nearly this complex, but it does require a completely
different piece of software, IE an email client, which is what people are
asking for in the first place - but I'm thinking more of the people who say
"OOo *did* have an email client back in the day, so the API is there, if you
want to build one again" - and I'm still bitter about the "Use this Macro to
get Word Count, even though it doesn't count exactly right - we don't need a
f'ing word count anyway!" - although I'm truly grateful for Andrew's work on
the Macro, which I did use until I found the buried "Properties" thing, and
now I have my Word Count button where it should have been in 0.1alpha.)

this is what I think. We're all gonna argue and have opinions, and get our
little feelings hurt, and call for each other to be banned from the land of
Open Source because we disagree, and in a few months or a year or two, Sun
and Google are going to decide that to compete with Office, Star Office
needs an email client and PIM software, and they are going to write one, or
use Thunderbird, or whatever, and the people who wanted the software will be
happy, the ones who complained and moaned about how stupid and useless and
wasteful and "prone to viruses and SPAM" it would be will sudden forget it
was a bad idea and say it's what they wanted all along, they just thought it
was too much work, and then never bring it up again. Kinda like what
happened with Base. :-)

- Chad Smith
Because everyone loves free software!

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