Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 22:31 -0500, mark wrote:

Then, of course, there's the LARGE number of us who DESPISE HTML mail (aka virus-spreader email), and who REALLY DO NOT WANT to HAVE to open a goddamned dog-slow word processor to read our email. (We won't even *begin* to talk about idiots who send out .pdf email....)

Viruses in e-mail are a problem specific to Windows. In fact, I don't
know why they aren't simply called Windows viruses, as that is the only
operating system left for which viruses are seen in the wild on a
regular basis.

But you're right, usually HTML mail is just plain unnecessary.

I thought this thread was played out (and OT) so I was going to just ignore it, but there is one thing to consider:

Q: Why is spam usually in html format?

A: Because spam is advertising, a sales pitch. It has a hideously low response rate, even for the small fraction that isn't filtered. The people who design these advertisements know that they have maybe a second or less to grab your attention, so they need to use the *most* *effective* means of communication available.

The fact is that html-mail isn't going to disappear because you don't like it, and even if it *was* somehow banished, that wouldn't make spam go away. If anything, they would just have to crank out more of it to make up for the lower hit ratio. If you want to rid the world of spam, then I would suggest you get behind proposals that would change the economics of the situation.

In any case, this is all totally irrelevant to the question (which *is* on topic at least) of using Writer to edit emails or the question of including an email/calendar/pim client in a future incarnation of OOo. The spammers are doing just fine without it AFAICT, and I strongly suspect they have their own specialized tools for what they do.

This isn't about what's "necessary". Apart from food, clothing, and shelter, there is very little in our modern world that is absolutely necessary. This is about satisfying desires, and a whole lot of people (not you, of course) see richly formatted email as a Good Thing(tm).



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