On 11/20/05, Randomthots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Charging a postage fee of some sort, whether my fee-bate system or
> something else, has the side effect of mandating exactly the
> authentication mechanisms you desire while simultaneously making spam
> much less profitable.


I agree with you more often than I do with most people on this list, but I'd
have to say I don't on this one.

I don't like this idea, if for no other reason, I don't want to pay for
email. I'm already paying $50 a month for high-speed Internet, there's no
way I'm spending 25 cents an email.

Spammers are, by definition, not prone to play nice with the system. Case in
point, I don't like spam, I put up a filter for key words like viagra,
enhancement, porn, etc. So what do the spammers do, they space out the
words, or misspell them - pron, \/iagr@ EN HAN CE MENT. Spammers would get
around the system, and the only people actually paying the "Spam-tax" would
be the law abiding citizens of the net. This is an altogether bad idea.

I don't know of a way to stop SPAM, but charging everyone for email is
definately not it.

- Chad Smith
Because everyone loves free software!

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