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Alex Kot

-----Original Message-----
From: "Fiona Casida" <>
Sent: ‎5/‎15/‎2014 9:29 PM
To: "SYN/HAK discussion list" <>
Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14

Good evening,

Would you please remove me from the list?  Thank you.

I wish you all the best.

Fiona Casida 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 15, 2014, at 9:05 PM, a l <> wrote:

I figured the minutes didn't accurately capture the moment. I agree that 
interviews have been lax and even rushed in the past. It's obvious that there 
are differing views on how we run and how we should run. Members new and old 
should have some, at least casual, knowledge of how we govern and what our 
mission and community goals are. 


Sure we hack and do-ocracy things but what does that mean? How do you balance 
do-ocracy with not crushing people's toes. In the past we were operating fairly 
smoothly. Part of that is due to the small size but a bigger part of that was a 
clearer sense of who we were as a community. It would be simple if we could 
pile all of our faults onto the actions of a few, or single person, over the 
past few months. The current state is a symptom of a general failure of us as a 
As Becca touched on these events are the culmination of a long history of banal 
interviews and little clear direction. We say our mission at the beginning of 
every meeting but do we really do what we tell everyone we do. We've got the 
infrastructure but our community doesn't follow a coherent set of values. Some 
people want voting, some want consensus, others just want to throw money at a 
cool idea so they can use the tools once a month and help out with expenses. 
Others still are confused as to why we collectively need to provide educational 
outlets to the public. We as a community have lost our way, maybe we never 
really had it. 
We've had a couple classes this year and a few talks that no one went to. Apart 
from GARC  the community isn't using us. They haven't been since well before 
the interpersonal disputes boiled over. If we want to fulfill our mission we 
need to step up our game.

So while the questions asked were directed at AJ9, like you suggest, we should 
all reflect on them. 


Andrew L

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Steve Radonich IV <> wrote:

If that is the case Andrew then my reworded proposal meets the qualifications 
to be consented on Tuesday. Because that is what I remember as well

--- Original Message ---

From: "a l" <>

Sent: May 15, 2014 7:49 PM

To: "SYN/HAK discussion list" <>
Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14

My understanding, and how we've been operating, is that proposals need to be 
discussed either on discuss@ or brought up at a meeting and recorded in the 
minutes. Once those present have a wording they feel represents the solution 
they are looking for it is sent to proposals@ or brought up at a meeting and 
recorded in the precise wording to be consented. 

At least week after it has been proposed it is consented on at the meeting and 
forever enshrined in the 'approved proposals' list. 

The important step here are that the exact wording of the proposal is sent to a 
mailing list accessible by the community so that any dissenting views may be 
addressed. I believe proposals@ was spun off of discuss@ so people were aware 
that mail from that list was the 'finalized' wording. 

I wasn't aware I was having trouble seeing proposals?

Andrew L

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Andrew Buczko <> wrote:

Hey Andrew,  

it says that:
6. Proposals must be sent in full to

But, on:

it says:
2. A summary of the discussion is sent to along with the 
actual proposal.

Witch is it? One of these statements is wrong and needs to be changed. 

Maybe this is why you are having trouble seeing the proposals ?


On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:34 AM, a l <> wrote:

Sorry for the double post. I didn't want my comments to get mistaken as meeting 
minutes. I tried to put headings on things in case people didn't want to read a 
lengthy email

1) Apparently I wasn't clear with my wording regarding Wills membership. I 
('the secretary') did not say that 'Everything is ok, and last weeks vote is 
upheld.". What I said was "Last week was a fairly involved interview, you don't 
need to do that again. Be sure his(and AJ9's) memberships get brought up." 
Meaning his membership needs voted/consented on properly at this meeting.  

That said: no one expressed any desire to block his joining and no one 
protested at the meeting. 

2) While AJ9's interview was a bit hostile those are important questions that 
need asked more frequently by more people. If someone has no idea how or why we 
govern the way we do how can we expect them to follow the rules and help build 
a better community? Perhaps you could respond to the some of the questions via 
email? Particularly consensus and do-ocracy. Feel free disagree with them! 
We're an organic collaboration(or at least bill ourselves as such), we won't 
grow if we don't get new ideas. On that note, I'm going to add a question of my 
own: You mention you're interested in non-profit work and need a cause to work 
with right now. What draws you to SynHak compared to the other non-profits in 
the area?

3)Regarding the Community Working Group. There is already a proposal that a few 
people have contributed ideas to. I feel that since this changes the way we 
govern ourselves that it does warrant a full blown proposal. If we want the 
suggestions to carry any weight when they are made it needs to be part of the 
operating procedures. Xander brought up the idea of formalizing the face to 
face mediation style and incorporating it into the proposal. Having a few 
mediation templates is a great idea. My only concern is that we not require 
them to be used. Getting the disputing parties to communicate is goal 1A. How 
they do it is less important so long as they both agree to it and it occurs in 
a timely manner.

I'm not convinced that using fractal groups will help. We are(were?) a 
community, intentionally dividing us further seems counter productive and 
bureaucratic. By having more mailing lists to subscribe to it makes it far 
easier for a member to be out of the loop on things that may affect them. 
People are lazy.

4) The front door. The landlord has told us not to modify it. Would we be able 
to convince him to change his mind if we(or a mutually approved 
price-quoted-prior-to-work contractor) replaced it in such a manner that  did 
not prevent the easy re-installation of the original door? We need to balance 
our members physical safety with their perception of safety. By installing a 
door with a push bar we could still 'lock' the door so outside entry was not 
possible during the odd hours but in the event of a fire you could get out. 

5) If we're going to assign blame and distribute penalties to someone  for 
various signs, graffiti and other unexcellent behavior I want verified proof.

6) Last one I promise. Will's key application. You're a new member and a new 
face to the community. I like your enthusiasm and apologize that this is going 
to come off as an attack, it is not. You want the keys to the castle but a 
couple meetings back you were concerned with not knowing anyone. 24/7 is a lot 
of trust. Not only that our key holders won't strip the warehouse for machines 
and copper  but that they'll lock up when they leave and be excellent hosts to 
visitors from the public. I don't expect everyone to know every other member as 
best friends but I find it hard to put faith in someone we've just met. 

Admittedly my recent and future attendance is lackluster so I welcome people's 
anecdotes to instill faith in me about this.  

One last time: None of the above are meant to be personal attacks. If any 
wording can be construed as such I would appreciate it if you attribute to poor 
proofreading, failure to appreciate the situation, and hasty word choice. 

Andrew L

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:23 PM, a l <> wrote:

Here's the minutes so no one has to download them to read. 

Moderator: Becca Salchak
Note Taker: Steve Radonich IV

Andy - Electronic Tech
G - Organize civic hacking events
Andrew - student
Mike - Motorola Maxx doesn't float
Justin - eat delicious stew
AJ9 - fix things
Philip - bicycles
Linda - librarian
Xander - make blankets
Torrie - build the api for the internet of things
Steve - I take notes
Alex - IT specialist
Chris Neer - thats it
Dave - hope to be a part of synhak
Heard about us once before then at the oddmall
Craig - drowns in flooded computers
Martha - likes these rolls
Devin - I like dem rolls
Dave2 - working on a tv script
Becca - works overtime

* Dave - presentation since I'm new. I have an interest in historic 
preservation, I am currently involved in an effort to save the keyser farmstead 
in Cuyahoga Falls. Over the last few years been
trying to make it more interesting to get younger people involved. What I'm 
looking forward to do is to take it to the next level, looking for someone with 
skills in robotics to help make a robotic
horse, that would make people excited in history through a different approach. 
** Dave2 - What do you want from us?
**Dave - trying to get a smaller sized horse or pig
** Alex - robotics club on saturday
** Becca - GARC  functions out of here on the 2nd saturday's where they work on 
robots associated with CVCA

* Philip - I have 2
** Last Saturday was the Akron Art Walk and I wound up being the only member 
here for 5 hours, nobody else showed up, June 7th is the next one. So next time 
we need to get things running for it, to get
people into SYNHAK. When people come here they need to see stuff happening 
instead of looking at static objects. I think we need a much more active 
demonstration going on. So I'm setting up a signup
sheet for the next walk. People had no idea what to expect because we didn't 
have a paragraph in the papers handed out by the city of Akron. I want to take 
over the art walk as far as doing something.
*** Torrie - so that's a really amazing idea, but I'm leaving for San Francisco 
thursday but I'm coming back in 2 weeks. Can we meet thursday to work out a plan
*** Philip - I need people
*** Alex - Hackathon on June 7th for it
*** Becca - We discussed last week to do our hackathon with the Akron Art Walk 
so we will have at least something going on.
*** Philip - I appreciate that but we need people to explain what SYNHAK is and 
does so we can get people interested. 
*** Alex - I'll help you with the handouts if you want to work with me 
sometime. With info on what we do, events going on, hackathon
*** Philip - Excellent
** Friend of mine owns Urban Eats, they're personal friends of mine, I talked 
to Devin last week that I wanted to do something about the crappy garage door. 
So no what I'm going to do is I have a one
man business Patnode Photography so we are going to co-sponsor a jurried 
contest, so I'm going to make 11x17 color prints of the front of the building 
where people pay $5 to submit a picture with what they 
want to see the front door to look like. Winner will get $40 gift card, and 1/3 
of the money raised Rest goes to costs. Those who submit designes and the 
members vote on the designs. Whoever wins by
the most votes wins.
*** Xander - Only comment I have is that someone would submit one great one and 
a bunch of meh ones
*** Philip - we are going to repair the garage door, because it is bleh
*** Becca - is this something we have to get approval by the landlord
*** Philip - Why?
*** Becca - Because it's his property
*** Justin - yes we do
*** Torrie - I will be submitting entries
*** Justin - We need to get approval from the land lord because the lease says 
we can't put external signage without prior approval
*** Becca - I think it's a great idea
*** Philip - If we could get it done by the art walk that'd be great
*** Will - are you making a requirement to say SYNHAK on it
*** Xander - I asked for a copy of the lease, for the record

* G - Just one: Akron Civic Hackathon, part of the national day of civic 
hacking, list of people making it happen, scheduled MAy 31st - June 1st, it's a 
vehicle for managers who have IT Problems
to provide the opprotunity of volunteers to solve the problem. I'm hosting the 
event hoping for some press. Please RSVP on meetup if interested

* Andy - Soap box derby race is starting up soon, I went last year it was 
really fun, check the website for a list of races

* Torrie - So I started my robotics company full time

* Alex - Doing a monthly hackathon june 7th this will be for the wireless mesh, 
I will be providing food. G if you could setup a meetup for that. It's 
basically going to be from learning how to build it 
to getting it built and benchmarked

* Alex - Sundown rundown I'm doing a pitch there

* Philip - Friday night 7:30 galaxy quest, free popcorn bring your own liquids


* Becca - Confusion about wiliams application, secretary said it's fine, so we 
aren't going through the membership process again
** Will - Thumbs up :D
** Xander - Class schedule, enrollment letter to prove you're a student

Name: AJ9
* Justin - Why do you want to be a member
* AJ9 Really interested in nonprofit develoment

* Justin - any particular member you enjoy the company of
* AJ9 - Justin

* Torrie - what does consensus mean to you
* AJ9 - Have no opnions on that subject

* Philip - What can you contribute to SYNHAK
* AJ9- Graphic designs, media management, communication, fund raising

* Alex - what can synhak do for you?
* AJ9 - don't have a specific cause at the moment, so I thought that this could 
be something to do

* Torrie - What does do-ocracy mean to you?
* AJ9 - I have no opinion
* Torrie - So why are you applying for memberhsip which gives you access to 
* Aj9 - I'm a member of the community so I feel I should be about to vote
* Torrie - how do we govern
* AJ9 - We don't do good job of governance

* Mike - If you would paint your workbench a color what would it be and why?
* AJ9 - Pink I like pink

* Andy - favorite piece of equipment at the space
* AJ9 - Drillpress

* Steve- Nintendo or Sega?
* AJ9 - SEGA

* Torrie - What does synhak means to you?
* AJ9 - synhak is a community that is very important to me, there are members 
who I care a lot about, I don't think I'm going to be able to come up with an 
answer to please you

* Xander - What makes you happy?
* AJ9 - Music

* Will - what kind of music
* AJ9 - All kinds

* Torrie - How would you improve synhak
* AJ9 - I would improve synhak through the democratic process the membership 
* Torrie - How would you use that to improve synhak
* AJ9 - Finances, would assist with management of

* Torrie - Um... idea I've been rolling around in my head for a whil, other 
hackerspace every month the whole membership gets together, and pay their 
bills, talk about allocating money towards monthly
expenditures, and do it as a community. What problems do you percieve?
* AJ9 - I decline to respond
* Torrie - Applying for membership for access to the tools to shape synhak?

* Dave - Opinion as a guest regarding membership: Been involved in history and 
preservation and belong to a number of organizations, unfortunately we get a 
bad rap, we are considered white glove. We're
not inclusive, we're exclusive, tell people hands off don't do this. You want 
to get as many memebrs as you can, being more inclusive. Take off the white 
gloves, take off the attitude, share ideas get

* Torrie - I want to figure out what AJ9's intent of becoming a member is.

* Philip - Public record that I support her membership, and if possible I would 
block the block, we need confident, reliable, experiecnced, educated people to 
help run synhak. We need people like her
who can help run the space. If we can approve a 7 year old who can't read the 
by laws, yet block AJ9 is ridiculous. 

* Mike - Do you have any experience in conflict resolution
* AJ9 - Yes I do, in college was a mediator for the student government 

* Devin - I see you bring a productive mem

[The entire original message is not included.]
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