Andrew, the questions where out of line and uncalled for.

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Alex kot <> wrote:

>  Fiona,
> Shoot an email to this will send an email
> back letting you know you where unsubscribe.
> Thanks,
> Alex Kot
>  ------------------------------
> From: Fiona Casida <>
> Sent: ‎5/‎15/‎2014 9:29 PM
> To: SYN/HAK discussion list <>
> Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14
> Good evening,
> Would you please remove me from the list?  Thank you.
> I wish you all the best.
> Fiona Casida
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 15, 2014, at 9:05 PM, a l <> wrote:
>   Becca,
> I figured the minutes didn't accurately capture the moment. I agree that
> interviews have been lax and even rushed in the past. It's obvious that
> there are differing views on how we run and how we should run. Members new
> and old should have some, at least casual, knowledge of how we govern and
> what our mission and community goals are.
> Everyone,
> Sure we hack and do-ocracy things but what does that mean? How do you
> balance do-ocracy with not crushing people's toes. In the past we were
> operating fairly smoothly. Part of that is due to the small size but a
> bigger part of that was a clearer sense of who we were as a community. It
> would be simple if we could pile all of our faults onto the actions of a
> few, or single person, over the past few months. The current state is a
> symptom of a general failure of us as a community.
> As Becca touched on these events are the culmination of a long history of
> banal interviews and little clear direction. We say our mission at the
> beginning of every meeting but do we really do what we tell everyone we do.
> We've got the infrastructure but our community doesn't follow a coherent
> set of values. Some people want voting, some want consensus, others just
> want to throw money at a cool idea so they can use the tools once a month
> and help out with expenses. Others still are confused as to why we
> collectively need to provide educational outlets to the public. We as a
> community have lost our way, maybe we never really had it.
> We've had a couple classes this year and a few talks that no one went to.
> Apart from GARC  the community isn't using us. They haven't been since well
> before the interpersonal disputes boiled over. If we want to fulfill our
> mission we need to step up our game.
> So while the questions asked were directed at AJ9, like you suggest, we
> should all reflect on them.
> regards,
> Andrew L
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Steve Radonich IV 
> <>wrote:
>>  If that is the case Andrew then my reworded proposal meets the
>> qualifications to be consented on Tuesday. Because that is what I remember
>> as well
>> --- Original Message ---
>> From: "a l" <>
>> Sent: May 15, 2014 7:49 PM
>> To: "SYN/HAK discussion list" <>
>> Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14
>>     My understanding, and how we've been operating, is that proposals
>> need to be discussed either on discuss@ or brought up at a meeting and
>> recorded in the minutes. Once those present have a wording they feel
>> represents the solution they are looking for it is sent to proposals@ or
>> brought up at a meeting and recorded in the precise wording to be
>> consented.
>> At least week after it has been proposed it is consented on at the
>> meeting and forever enshrined in the 'approved proposals' list.
>> The important step here are that the exact wording of the proposal is
>> sent to a mailing list accessible by the community so that any dissenting
>> views may be addressed. I believe proposals@ was spun off of discuss@ so
>> people were aware that mail from that list was the 'finalized' wording.
>> I wasn't aware I was having trouble seeing proposals?
>> regards,
>> Andrew L
>> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Andrew Buczko 
>> <>wrote:
>> Hey Andrew,
>> On
>> it says that:
>> 6. Proposals must be sent in full to
>> But, on:
>> it says:
>> 2. A summary of the discussion is sent to along
>> with the actual proposal.
>> Witch is it? One of these statements is wrong and needs to be changed.
>> Also,
>> Maybe this is why you are having trouble seeing the proposals ?
>> Andy
>> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:34 AM, a l <> wrote:
>>      Sorry for the double post. I didn't want my comments to get
>> mistaken as meeting minutes. I tried to put headings on things in case
>> people didn't want to read a lengthy email
>> 1) Apparently I wasn't clear with my wording regarding Wills membership.
>> I ('the secretary') did not say that 'Everything is ok, and last weeks vote
>> is upheld.". What I said was "Last week was a fairly involved interview,
>> you don't need to do that again. Be sure his(and AJ9's) memberships get
>> brought up." Meaning his membership needs voted/consented on properly at
>> this meeting.
>> That said: no one expressed any desire to block his joining and no one
>> protested at the meeting.
>> 2) While AJ9's interview was a bit hostile those are important questions
>> that need asked more frequently by more people. If someone has no idea how
>> or why we govern the way we do how can we expect them to follow the rules
>> and help build a better community? Perhaps you could respond to the some of
>> the questions via email? Particularly consensus and do-ocracy. Feel free
>> disagree with them! We're an organic collaboration(or at least bill
>> ourselves as such), we won't grow if we don't get new ideas. On that note,
>> I'm going to add a question of my own: You mention you're interested in
>> non-profit work and need a cause to work with right now. What draws you to
>> SynHak compared to the other non-profits in the area?
>> 3)Regarding the Community Working Group. There is already a proposal that
>> a few people have contributed ideas to. I feel that since this changes the
>> way we govern ourselves that it does warrant a full blown proposal. If we
>> want the suggestions to carry any weight when they are made it needs to be
>> part of the operating procedures. Xander brought up the idea of formalizing
>> the face to face mediation style and incorporating it into the proposal.
>> Having a few mediation templates is a great idea. My only concern is that
>> we not require them to be used. Getting the disputing parties to
>> communicate is goal 1A. How they do it is less important so long as they
>> both agree to it and it occurs in a timely manner.
>> I'm not convinced that using fractal groups will help. We are(were?) a
>> community, intentionally dividing us further seems counter productive and
>> bureaucratic. By having more mailing lists to subscribe to it makes it far
>> easier for a member to be out of the loop on things that may affect them.
>> People are lazy.
>> 4) The front door. The landlord has told us not to modify it. Would we be
>> able to convince him to change his mind if we(or a mutually approved
>> price-quoted-prior-to-work contractor) replaced it in such a manner that
>> did not prevent the easy re-installation of the original door? We need to
>> balance our members physical safety with their perception of safety. By
>> installing a door with a push bar we could still 'lock' the door so outside
>> entry was not possible during the odd hours but in the event of a fire you
>> could get out.
>> 5) If we're going to assign blame and distribute penalties to someone
>> for various signs, graffiti and other unexcellent behavior I want verified
>> proof.
>> 6) Last one I promise. Will's key application. You're a new member and a
>> new face to the community. I like your enthusiasm and apologize that this
>> is going to come off as an attack, it is not. You want the keys to the
>> castle but a couple meetings back you were concerned with not knowing
>> anyone. 24/7 is a lot of trust. Not only that our key holders won't strip
>> the warehouse for machines and copper  but that they'll lock up when they
>> leave and be excellent hosts to visitors from the public. I don't expect
>> everyone to know every other member as best friends but I find it hard to
>> put faith in someone we've just met.
>> Admittedly my recent and future attendance is lackluster so I welcome
>> people's anecdotes to instill faith in me about this.
>> One last time: None of the above are meant to be personal attacks. If any
>> wording can be construed as such I would appreciate it if you attribute to
>> poor proofreading, failure to appreciate the situation, and hasty word
>> choice.
>> regards,
>> Andrew L
>> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:23 PM, a l <> wrote:
>> Here's the minutes so no one has to download them to read.
>> Moderator: Becca Salchak
>> Note Taker: Steve Radonich IV
>> Introductions:
>> Andy - Electronic Tech
>> G - Organize civic hacking events
>> Andrew - student
>> Mike - Motorola Maxx doesn't float
>> Justin - eat delicious stew
>> AJ9 - fix things
>> Philip - bicycles
>> Linda - librarian
>> Xander - make blankets
>> Torrie - build the api for the internet of things
>> Steve - I take notes
>> Alex - IT specialist
>> Chris Neer - thats it
>> Dave - hope to be a part of synhak
>> Heard about us once before then at the oddmall
>> Craig - drowns in flooded computers
>> Martha - likes these rolls
>> Devin - I like dem rolls
>> Dave2 - working on a tv script
>> Becca - works overtime
>> Announcements:
>> * Dave - presentation since I'm new. I have an interest in historic
>> preservation, I am currently involved in an effort to save the keyser
>> farmstead in Cuyahoga Falls. Over the last few years been
>> trying to make it more interesting to get younger people involved. What
>> I'm looking forward to do is to take it to the next level, looking for
>> someone with skills in robotics to help make a robotic
>> horse, that would make people excited in history through a different
>> approach.
>> ** Dave2 - What do you want from us?
>> **Dave - trying to get a smaller sized horse or pig
>> ** Alex - robotics club on saturday
>> ** Becca - GARC  functions out of here on the 2nd saturday's where they
>> work on robots associated with CVCA
>> * Philip - I have 2
>> ** Last Saturday was the Akron Art Walk and I wound up being the only
>> member here for 5 hours, nobody else showed up, June 7th is the next one.
>> So next time we need to get things running for it, to get
>> people into SYNHAK. When people come here they need to see stuff
>> happening instead of looking at static objects. I think we need a much more
>> active demonstration going on. So I'm setting up a signup
>> sheet for the next walk. People had no idea what to expect because we
>> didn't have a paragraph in the papers handed out by the city of Akron. I
>> want to take over the art walk as far as doing something.
>> *** Torrie - so that's a really amazing idea, but I'm leaving for San
>> Francisco thursday but I'm coming back in 2 weeks. Can we meet thursday to
>> work out a plan
>> *** Philip - I need people
>> *** Alex - Hackathon on June 7th for it
>> *** Becca - We discussed last week to do our hackathon with the Akron Art
>> Walk so we will have at least something going on.
>> *** Philip - I appreciate that but we need people to explain what SYNHAK
>> is and does so we can get people interested.
>> *** Alex - I'll help you with the handouts if you want to work with me
>> sometime. With info on what we do, events going on, hackathon
>> *** Philip - Excellent
>> ** Friend of mine owns Urban Eats, they're personal friends of mine, I
>> talked to Devin last week that I wanted to do something about the crappy
>> garage door. So no what I'm going to do is I have a one
>> man business Patnode Photography so we are going to co-sponsor a jurried
>> contest, so I'm going to make 11x17 color prints of the front of the
>> building where people pay $5 to submit a picture with what they
>> want to see the front door to look like. Winner will get $40 gift card,
>> and 1/3 of the money raised Rest goes to costs. Those who submit designes
>> and the members vote on the designs. Whoever wins by
>> the most votes wins.
>> *** Xander - Only comment I have is that someone would submit one great
>> one and a bunch of meh ones
>> *** Philip - we are going to repair the garage door, because it is bleh
>> *** Becca - is this something we have to get approval by the landlord
>> *** Philip - Why?
>> *** Becca - Because it's his property
>> *** Justin - yes we do
>> *** Torrie - I will be submitting entries
>> *** Justin - We need to get approval from the land lord because the lease
>> says we can't put external signage without prior approval
>> *** Becca - I think it's a great idea
>> *** Philip - If we could get it done by the art walk that'd be great
>> *** Will - are you making a requirement to say SYNHAK on it
>> *** Xander - I asked for a copy of the lease, for the record
>> * G - Just one: Akron Civic Hackathon, part of the national day of civic
>> hacking, list of people making it happen, scheduled MAy 31st - June 1st,
>> it's a vehicle for managers who have IT Problems
>> to provide the opprotunity of volunteers to solve the problem. I'm
>> hosting the event hoping for some press. Please RSVP on meetup if interested
>> * Andy - Soap box derby race is starting up soon, I went last year it was
>> really fun, check the website for a list of races
>> * Torrie - So I started my robotics company full time
>> * Alex - Doing a monthly hackathon june 7th this will be for the wireless
>> mesh, I will be providing food. G if you could setup a meetup for that.
>> It's basically going to be from learning how to build it
>> to getting it built and benchmarked
>> * Alex - Sundown rundown I'm doing a pitch there
>> * Philip - Friday night 7:30 galaxy quest, free popcorn bring your own
>> liquids
>> Membership:
>> * Becca - Confusion about wiliams application, secretary said it's fine,
>> so we aren't going through the membership process again
>> ** Will - Thumbs up :D
>> ** Xander - Class schedule, enrollment letter to prove you're a student
>> Name: AJ9
>> Discussion/Questions:
>> * Justin - Why do you want to be a member
>> * AJ9 Really interested in nonprofit develoment
>> * Justin - any particular member you enjoy the company of
>> * AJ9 - Justin
>> * Torrie - what does consensus mean to you
>> * AJ9 - Have no opnions on that subject
>> * Philip - What can you contribute to SYNHAK
>> * AJ9- Graphic designs, media management, communication, fund raising
>> * Alex - what can synhak do for you?
>> * AJ9 - don't have a specific cause at the moment, so I thought that this
>> could be something to do
>> * Torrie - What does do-ocracy mean to you?
>> * AJ9 - I have no opinion
>> * Torrie - So why are you applying for memberhsip which gives you access
>> to governance
>> * Aj9 - I'm a member of the community so I feel I should be about to vote
>> * Torrie - how do we govern
>> * AJ9 - We don't do good job of governance
>> * Mike - If you would paint your workbench a color what would it be and
>> why?
>> * AJ9 - Pink I like pink
>> * Andy - favorite piece of equipment at the space
>> * AJ9 - Drillpress
>> * Steve- Nintendo or Sega?
>> * AJ9 - SEGA
>> * Torrie - What does synhak means to you?
>> * AJ9 - synhak is a community that is very important to me, there are
>> members who I care a lot about, I don't think I'm going to be able to come
>> up with an answer to please you
>> * Xander - What makes you happy?
>> * AJ9 - Music
>> * Will - what kind of music
>> * AJ9 - All kinds
>> * Torrie - How would you improve synhak
>> * AJ9 - I would improve synhak through the democratic process the
>> membership determins
>> * Torrie - How would you use that to improve synhak
>> * AJ9 - Finances, would assist with management of
>> * Torrie - Um... idea I've been rolling around in my head for a whil,
>> other hackerspace every month the whole membership gets together, and pay
>> their bills, talk about allocating money towards monthly
>> expenditures, and do it as a community. What problems do you percieve?
>> * AJ9 - I decline to respond
>> * Torrie - Applying for membership for access to the tools to shape
>> synhak?
>> * Dave - Opinion as a guest regarding membership: Been involved in
>> history and preservation and belong to a number of organizations,
>> unfortunately we get a bad rap, we are considered white glove. We're
>> not inclusive, we're exclusive, tell people hands off don't do this. You
>> want to get as many memebrs as you can, being more inclusive. Take off the
>> white gloves, take off the attitude, share ideas get
>> together.
>> * Torrie - I want to figure out what AJ9's intent of becoming a member is.
>> * Philip - Public record that I support her membership, and if possible I
>> would block the block, we need confident, reliable, experiecnced, educated
>> people to help run synhak. We need people like her
>> who can help run the space. If we can approve a 7 year old who can't read
>> the by laws, yet block AJ9 is ridiculous.
>> * Mike - Do you have any experience in conflict resolution
>> * AJ9 - Yes I do, in college was a mediator for the student government
>> organization
>> * Devin - I see you bring a productive mem
> [The entire original message is not included.]
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