I am not sure I would say this a case for a bug report.  It seems like what
you are trying to compare is the representation of an integer in the context
of a string versus teh representation of a integer in context of a number.

As ColdFusion has dynamic data types, $100 as a currency is a integer value
from the perspective of the value, but not from the perspective of the
characters represented in the string.

If you are specifically trying to exclude the dollar sign, it seems a more
string approach to your value is needed like isNumeric() or using a Regular
Expression validation.  If you want to preserve the number itself as a data
type expression, you could use NumberFormat() and apply a mask that
represents the numerical data type according to your needs.

If you want to test for the presence of only numbers with the paradigm of a
string literal:

<cfinput ... validate="regular_expression" pattern="[0-9]+">

It is how you look at it and your style preference.  The functions you have
referenced gives options to developers to allow them to interpret.


Caveat - My regular expression was a simple greedy case.  Please customize
to your needs.

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