I am in total agreement with Kevin and Jason.

When I interview, I don't really want to have to answer the questions like..
"do you prefer cfscript over cf tags and why?" or what is the different
between "IS" and "EQ" and then have the interviewer tell you oh. It used to
matter but it doesn't since CF8, when you're interviewing for a CF9 or 10

As an interviewee. I expect one or two questions on coding.. None where I
know good and well you are just trying to prove you know more than I doŠ.
Because when I get asked a question like that.. (and we all know that is
generally how it goes), my firm response to it is ALWAYSŠ. "I can't even
make up something that sounds like I know what you are talking about"  That
kind of response generally lightens the atmosphere, and tells the
interviewer he's smarter than you are.. Which is what he wants anyway.

"Tell me how you approach full lifecycle development", and then stop me when
you realize I know what I am talking aboutŠ.  And I actually don't mind
reading code and telling the interviewer what the routine is supposed to
accomplishŠ Don't mind that at all.

I do not want to be asked where I see myself in five yearsŠ My standard
response, whether they like it or not is thisŠ. "In five years, I plan on
working at Publix during the day, and playing poker at night"  Period.
I don't have a five year plan, and the person asking the question doesn't
really need to know what my 5 year plan is, and really doesn't careŠ He
wants to know if you are simply taking a job, looking for the next job.

What an interview boils down to thisŠ "Can you do the jobŠ can you work with
me, will you communicate with me when you need guidance?"

From:  Kevin Bachman <kevin.bach...@activegroup.net>
Reply-To:  <discussion@acfug.org>
Date:  Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:34 PM
To:  "discussion@acfug.org" <discussion@acfug.org>
Subject:  RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Choosing a person with adequate CF skills

This may be the most accurate and real-world description of candidate
selection I have ever read.  I agree whole-heartedly.
[Printing and filing away for future reference.]
Thanks for this!

From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Jason Vanhoy
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:12 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Choosing a person with adequate CF skills

My first question would be are you hiring for an entry level, mid-level, or
senior position?


If you're hiring a senior position, none of the questions you outline is
going to be worth a hill of beans for choosing the right candidate in my


I come at this problem from the point of view of having been on many
hundreds of interviews, having interviewed people a significant number of
times as well, and making hiring decisions based on those interviews a
number of times both successfully and unsuccessfully.


In my humble opinion the technology world concentrates entirely too much on
technology in an interview for a developer (or, for that matter, for a
network engineer, DBA, etc., etc.)


A few basic questions to decide whether or not the candidate is simply lying
through their teeth on their resume are certainly in order. Maybe a few
things like, "What's the difference between == and ===?" or "Explain to me
how a CFC differs from the Custom Tag of yore?" or something that roughly
targets the functional awareness you're targeting. Also, maybe a question or
three about basic, non-language specific programming techniques are helpful.
Some examples might be "Can you explain to me some design patterns you've
had experience with and why they were or were not the right choice in those
situations?" or "Can you tell me what the difference is between a class and
an object?"


Beyond about 20 or 30 minutes worth of this type of discussion, however, and
all you're doing is showing off, or asking the candidate to show off, arcane
and trivial knowledge. Developing software (web-delivered or otherwise) is
not an eyes-closed operation, and any specific knowledge an employee needs
to complete a task is readily available online, or in a book, or at a
co-worker's desk, or in the company wiki, or...you get my point. So, knowing
that a Java candidate, for example, knows off the top of his or her head
what the differences between final, finally, and finalize is, is completely
immaterial to whether or not he or she would be a good fit for your team.


Here are what I consider the questions that one should have answers to at
the end of a job interview, from the point of view of the interviewing agent
(in order of increasing importance):


1) Is the candidate basically competent in the general skill set required?
That is, for a software developer, do they have experience developing
software in SOME language, do they understand BASIC concepts and can they
apply those concepts.


2) Can the candidate express themselves well, professionally and
competently? That is, do they speak clearly, do they explain things well
enough but not TOO well? Do they understand the differences between
site-specific knowledge and global knowledge? Do they grasp the language I
use and understand what I'm saying, or, barring that, eloquently ask for
clarifications that are logical and understandable?


3) Does the candidate's personality mesh well with the team they're going to
be working with and will they likely enjoy being on the team? Will the team
likely enjoy them being there?


The great truth, at least in my experience, is that any competent developer
can fairly quickly get up to speed on a new language or platform. However,
to quote a good friend of mine (pardon the language) "you can't fix


I'll give you an example: It's been probably a decade since I did any
significant ColdFusion work. I would seriously have to have a syntax book
beside me for a week if I started writing it today. I've got a ton of Flex
experience, though, and very recent experience using it. Would I be a good
candidate for your position? Well, the answer is "maybe."


If I came into the interview and you asked me some question like, "Can you
tell me the difference between a class and an object?" and I gave you the
following answer: "Well, um, [drums fingers on table] a class is like...you
know...how something IS, like...you know...how like, all of them are made up
and stuff...but...um...[drums fingers again] an object is like just one of
them, like...just a single one, you know...like...[taps knuckles on chair
arm]...you know what I'm saying?" then the answer might change from "maybe"
to "no". 


However, if I said, "Well, a class is the how an object-oriented design
defines a real-world concept in code, and then an object is a single
instance of that class that one can then do work on." the answer might start
looking closer to "yes".


If you look at both answers closely it will become clear they ultimately say
the same, or a very similar, thing. However, one shows much better
communication and a much greater ability to express one's self than the


Additionally, if you and I are sitting in the conference room with several
senior members of your team, and someone cracks a joke. Let's say I
mentioned something about when I was first learning to code and how I relied
on a bunch of senior folks to help me along or something, and one of your
team says, "Well, if you can run, you walk, and if you can't walk you find
someone to carry you..." Now, if I come back with "huh?" that's one thing,
but if I respond with something like, "Shiny!" then you might start
thinking, "Hey...this guy might fit in around here!" (By the way, if you
didn't get that joke, it's a Firefly reference, and fairly obscure at that).


So, my long-winded response is really just to say, I think you're focusing
too much on the details and not enough on what's truly important about a
candidate. Or, maybe you're not and you just wanted some advice about the
first few technical aspects of the interview, and if so, ignore ALL my


I like your idea about having the candidate do some actual thinking on your
whiteboard. I'd hesitate to make it actual code, it would be more useful to
see pseudocode or block diagrams so you can see more of the person's thought
process rather than if they know syntax without a reference close by.


I love the idea of having the candidate discuss recent projects and the
failures or successes each may have had (as long as they can, some stuff is
going to be privileged/confidential or covered in an NDA or something).


I'd steer clear of operating system and networking concepts (unless you're
planning on having someone write you a networking app in a web language, why
would a candidate really need to know this?), or agile programming concepts
("agile" covers a huge range of development methodologies and nobody's
version of any one of them is the same as anyone else's, it's a red herring
question that probably won't tell you much).


Anyway, hopefully some of this helps, good luck in finding the right person
for that chair.




On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Chris <h_chris...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I am with a public university and asked to interview applicants with
Coldfusion(CF) and Flex skills for an opening. The position requires someone
who has worked 3-4 years in CF and Flex.


I was moved into this position and I picked CF/Flex after I started so do
not have a first hand experience of a CF/Flex interview, though a Web search
reveals dozens of websites with questions.


I have worked with Coldfusion 8 and 9 and I know I can ask questions about
following topics.


1. Check for CF basic understanding, ask about functions which are rarely
used to test depth of knowledge in CF.

2. Ask about CFC, Bean, Gateway to test OOP understanding in CF

3. How the facade pattern is used in CF?

4. Recent CF projects of candidate. Question the design, implementation
decisions and possible performance improvements in the projects

5. Ask them to develop a Bean on whiteboard.

6. Contributions to an open source CF project


Since the opening expects someone with a Bachelor's in Computer Science, I
can ask the typical questions(algorithms, data structures, design patterns,
OOP, contract by design, agile programming concepts, Operating System and
Networking concepts, information security, bit fiddling in C, RTTI idiom in
C++ assuming candidate lists C,C++ on his resume).


I realize a Web search can reveal lot more questions, but since I have not
interviewed someone for a CF background before, I want to know if items 1-6
listed above are sufficient or do they need more additions?

Are they too simple that most people who have worked 12-18 months in CF
would know?


I do not want to make the interview unduly hard or easy.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




P.S. I went through the usual books Career cup, Programming Interviews
exposed and their websites to learn how interviews are done in most places

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