Aaron Wolf <wolft...@riseup.net> wrote:
> On 2019-10-08 10:26 a.m., Dmitry Alexandrov wrote:
>> And, by the way, for demonstration, why shitposters are not always worth 
>> being banned — at least they might contribute a good occasion to post 
>> something valuable in reply.  ;-)
> Keep in mind also that it can be easy to confuse shitposting and defensive 
> ranting. If the other poster really had no idea what was going on, their 
> posts make sense in a sort of defensive what-the-hell sort of way.

Okay, I’ll try to reread them more thoroughly.

> I think Daniel deserves *some* of the criticism people have brought up about 
> how lists are managed etc., but his recent post about how to engage with 
> others on a human level is spot on.
> At the least, criticize behaviors ("shitposting")

Well, I actually did not criticize anybody, rather the contrary: indirectly 
commended. :-)

> rather than labeling people ("shitposters")

Does is really make any difference?  After all, it neither innate nor for life, 
but occasional.  While one shitposts he is shitposter, and the other way round 
as well: shitposter is the one who shitposted.

> The labeling and rejecting of people without really understanding them is 
> exactly what other folks are doing to RMS.

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