I didn't think I'd have anything more to say about this, but I just read an article by Neil DeGrasse Tyson that addresses the idea of being both Jewish and atheist, and as chance would have it, on the Autism Spectrum as well. See https://www.facebook.com/notes/neil-degrasse-tyson/bible-stories/10157628056606613/

On 10/8/19 1:26 PM, Dmitry Alexandrov wrote:
MBR <m...@arlsoft.com> wrote:
The following started out as a brief note, but got quite long.
My sincere gratitude to you for taking the time to write it down.

And, by the way, for demonstration, why shitposters are not always worth being 
banned — at least they might contribute a good occasion to post something 
valuable in reply.  ;-)

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