She want to resign for whatever personal reason she has. And while I didn't always agree with her actions I think
she should be respected enough not to claim she want to ruin the amuta, after she invested so much time and efford to building and improving it.

What with you guys always jumping on each other like that? I think that ruin the amuta more than anything.
The fact you don't agree with someone doesn't mean s/he automaticly loose your respect.


On 12/5/05, Alon Altman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> I'm sorry to hear that. Note that the current criticism against the board (by
> the comptrollers or other Hamakor associates) are not directed towards you or
> any other board member in particular.
> That put aside, I'd like to ask what are the implications of this move? Can
> the assembly just elect a new board member until the new general elections?
> Or do we have to elect a new board or even also a new comptrollers'
> committee.
> Haim, what does the law say about it?

   Please do not Cc Haim when others know the answer. After a resignation the
remaining board may elect to appoint a new board member up to the coming
general assembly, so it depends on the timing of the resignation. If the
resignation is before the general assembly, the assembly will need to elect
the remaining board member, as I understand.

   I think this retirement at this gentle stage may cause problems, in
particular with the "Minhal Takin" permit.

   I don't know why Orna is acting this way, and why she is trying to ruin
Hamakor from the inside.


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