Alon Altman wrote:

  First of all this is my personal opinion and should be seen as such.
Please do not act on this until agreement is reached with the rest of the

The people at Sun want to know the following:
1. If Hamakor may wish to put their logo in the OO2 CD label - with no
(this is of course not a prequisite to contribute the Cd's.)

  Yes we would. A HUGE version of Hamakor's logo is availalbe at - resize as nessescary.

Sounds cool.

2. If Hamakor want to add more money in order to have more Cd's distributed
- this can be done in any time.

500 CDs seem enough for now, and probably will last quite a long time.

Short and sweet - we don't have any money to contribute currently.

3. If Hamakor want to add any open source software into this CD.
(which is a companion to the subject of this CD)

  I think several software could be added to this CD. First of all, SUN
themselves should bundle a JAVA runtime (not open source, but free and
property of SUN) to allow use of all OO.o's features. Furthermore I

I disagree on the non FOSS JAVA runtime. It's not in the charter of the amuta to do this.

recommend the following programs:
 - Mozilla FireFox
 - Mozilla Thunderbird
 - Gaim
 - 7-zip

Sounds great.
More interesting OSS software can be seen here:$x7

When time comes - I will distribute the Cd's first, to all Linux clubs and the rest will be distributed to schools or other similar organizations via
myself or the other Linux clubs.

Even better.

OK, but please keep some kind of inventory and write how many CDs you have
distrubuted to each club.

hm...  not that I object - but why?



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