There used to be a saying about politics in academe - why are the fights in
academe so vicious? because the stakes are so low.

What I see is that we have a board member or president (whatever shachar
is), who wants to have things done his way, and there is a technical person
who is willing to volunteer his time, provided he gets the respect he
deserves, the access he wants, and probably to a large extent to run things
the way he sees fit.

While I don't expect anyone to give two s**ts about what I have to say, my
feeling is that the benefits from having the volunteered time and goodwill
exceed the harm from whatever unauthorized installations or changes that
will result, because the advantages will be many, and the disadvantages few.
To specify, as long as the sites have the proper content and are functional,
I don't care if they are run with mediawiki, pmwiki, moin-moin, phpnuke, or
any other particular software, apache I,II, II.5, perl, python, etc.

The biggest problem facing Linux, in my experience, are the Linux people.
They have the technical skills of geniuses and the emotional and social
intelligence of autistic children in 1st grade. What this leads to is
splitting of the community to small groups of people, or even groups of 1,
each running his own server (Ubuntu Rules, Fedora Sucks vs. Debian is King,
vs. CentOS or die), with 2.7 average readers.

Now if there are people with free time on their hand, I am looking for
someone help me implement a streaming version of bit-torrent, a graphical
front end to ivtv, a gps graphical editing tools, and a bunch of other
ideas, which I can document and test but not code. Email me and get off the
frigging server issue - nobody cares about all these sites anyway.

On 10/8/07, Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nadav Har'El wrote:
> >
> > Maybe Shachar wasn't clear enough, so let me try to explain what he
> meant.
> > Sorry about the sarcasm in what follows. But I simply don't see how any
> > "compromise" can work as long as Shachar continues to hold his beliefs:
> >
> > Shachar believes that
> >
> > Shachar doesn't believe
> >
> > Shachar believes that
> >
> > Shachar believes that
> >
> Shachar also believes that Nadav is neither authorized, nor even
> understands what Shachar thinks well enough, to speak for him.
> Shachar
> Third person is so great!!!
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