The idea of expiring out names has been brought up recently to resolve an issue of two packages, one popular and large; another someone's weekend project. The general idea being that a project maintainer should be forced to renew their contact information, or face the possibility of the PyPI name they registered being de-registered and made available for another package to use.

Preamble done, let me enumerate why this is just a disaster:

1. PyYAML is a package that would be de-registered in such a scheme. It is a highly used, extremely popular, package that unserializes text into arbitrary python objects. It is a trusted package... and one that hasn't been active in ages. This is prime malware bait.

2. the package tooling already assumes that names will always point to one, and only one package. ever. until the heat death of the universe or the death of the language whichever is first. If I am the one person in the world who actually depends on the 'mypy' (not mypy-lang) package, you have broken that trust.

3. Who in the PSF really wants that bureaucratic nightmare of arbitrating cases when this inevitably messes up, be this system manual or automatic?

To the specifics of the mypy-lang package that brought this up... It's like naming your company "Yahoo", and getting upset that is getting a bump in traffic because of your popularity. It is unfortunate that the mypy-lang developers failed to check pypi for name availability before they named their package, but it is by no means a reason to invite malicious code into the index, break the trust of the tooling, or create a bureaucracy to manage when the first two happen.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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