On 05/06/2016 07:59 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

Here's that one-stop writeup/comparison of all the major configuration
languages that I mentioned:


Very nice work-up, thanks!

However, you didn't include XML -- which, while absolutely horrid, can be quite readable with the appropriate preprocessor, such as xaml [1] </shameless plug>:

--- 8< whatever.xaml ---------------------------------------------------
!!! xml1.0

        // optional
        ~version: 1

            // Temporarily commented out 2016-01-10
            // magic-build-helper
                ~version: >= 27
            // for the new frobnicate feature
                ~version: >= 1.10
            //Pinned until we get a fix for
            // @https://github.com/cyberdyne/the-versionator/issues/123
                ~version: 0.13

// The owner of pypi name "flit" decides what goes under the
// extension: flit:
// key
        ~whatever: true
--- 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------

which ends up as:

--- 8< whatever.xml ----------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0"?>

         |  optional

             |  Temporarily commented out 2016-01-10
             |  magic-build-helper
                <version>&gt;= 27</version>
             |  for the new frobnicate feature
                <version>&gt;= 1.10</version>
             |  Pinned until we get a fix for
             |  @https://github.com/cyberdyne/the-versionator/issues/123


 |  The owner of pypi name "flit" decides what goes under the
 |  extension: flit:
 |  key
--- 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------


[1] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xaml
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