This looks very close to what I'd like to have, but then we'd have the situation of an uncommon format with no tooling support, won't we? Assuming the actual config file is in xaml format.

10.05.2016, 02:56, Ethan Furman kirjoitti:
On 05/06/2016 07:59 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

Here's that one-stop writeup/comparison of all the major configuration
languages that I mentioned:

Very nice work-up, thanks!

However, you didn't include XML -- which, while absolutely horrid, can be quite readable with the appropriate preprocessor, such as xaml [1] </shameless plug>:

--- 8< whatever.xaml ---------------------------------------------------
!!! xml1.0

        // optional
        ~version: 1

            // Temporarily commented out 2016-01-10
            // magic-build-helper
                ~version: >= 27
            // for the new frobnicate feature
                ~version: >= 1.10
            //Pinned until we get a fix for
            // @
                ~version: 0.13

// The owner of pypi name "flit" decides what goes under the
// extension: flit:
// key
        ~whatever: true
--- 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------

which ends up as:

--- 8< whatever.xml ----------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0"?>

         |  optional

             |  Temporarily commented out 2016-01-10
             |  magic-build-helper
                <version>&gt;= 27</version>
             |  for the new frobnicate feature
                <version>&gt;= 1.10</version>
             |  Pinned until we get a fix for
             | @


 |  The owner of pypi name "flit" decides what goes under the
 |  extension: flit:
 |  key
--- 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------


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