08.05.2016, 02:08, Donald Stufft kirjoitti:

On May 7, 2016, at 7:05 PM, Alex Grönholm <alex.gronh...@nextday.fi <mailto:alex.gronh...@nextday.fi>> wrote:

07.05.2016, 17:48, Nick Coghlan kirjoitti:

On 7 May 2016 13:00, "Nathaniel Smith" <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Here's that one-stop writeup/comparison of all the major configuration
> languages that I mentioned:

Thanks for that, and "yikes" on the comment handling variations in ConfigParser - you can tell I've never even tried to use end-of-line comments in INI files, and apparently neither has anyone I've worked with :)

For YAML, my main concern isn't quirkiness of the syntax, or code quality in PyYAML, it's the ease with which you can expose yourself to security problems (even if *pip* loads the config file safely, that doesn't mean every other tool will). Since we don't need the extra power, the easiest way to reduce the collective attack surface is to use a strictly less powerful (but still sufficient) format.

Sounds like a far-fetched hypothetical problem. You're concerned about the custom tags provided by PyYAML? Do you happen to know a tool that defaults to loading files in unsafe mode?

Yea, pyYAML itself does (yaml.load() does it unsafely, you have to use yaml.safe_load()).

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal though, we could easily add a thing to PyPI that rejects any YAML file that can’t be parsed in safe mode. The bigger deal to me is just that the library to work with it is a bit of a bear to use as a dependency.
Sounds like we'd need an alternate implementation of YAML then (I'd love to see a "yaml" module in the standard library too, but PyYAML isn't a good candidate for that, agreed).

Donald Stufft
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