MillmoorRon wrote: 
> I have been monitoring this thread and wondering why it was so quiet. I
> thought that now that the Raspberry Pi is out in the wild this would be
> a popular application for it!
> On my Ubuntu Linux the files go in
> '/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/HTML/EN/html/SqueezeJS' if that helps.
> I will soon be posting my effort at modifying the html, if I can just
> sort one more seemingly minor (yet infuriatingly difficult) issue...

Neat!  Thanks very much.  

I followed that path on my Linux box
(/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/HTML/EN/html/SqueezeJS) and found there
were three .js files in SqueezeJS (Base.js Strings.js and UI.js) just
waiting for nowplaying.html to arrive ;-)  

I plan to run this on a widescreen monitor so am very much looking
forward to you post of your script!  Meanwhile here's a snip of what's
playing now.  (Wonder where it got the wacky time from, it's +6 hours on
the time reported both by the PC it's running on, and the Linux box
running LMS?)

|Filename: nowplaying.JPG                                           |

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