Hi there,

El mié, 11-06-2008 a las 21:03 -0500, Jacob Kaplan-Moss escribió:
> * Two beta releases.
>   All "maybe" features must be completed by the first beta; after that,
>   Django will enter feature freeze for about a month while we kill bugs.
> * At least one -- and hopefully only one --release candidate. The candidate
>   release will mark a total freeze (as well as a string freeze for
>   translators); only outright bug fixes will be accepted past this point.

Disclaimer: I don't want to say anything bad about the triaging process
neither stale tickets. I'm trying to bringup an issue that could either
screw the Schedule or leave us with rc tickets after release. So,
please, do not interpret this as a critic.

On my today's triaging session (64 unreviewed left now) I spotted a few
bugs in Unreviewed of those kind that should be fixed before 1.0, first

        * #6710, sslmod ignored in psycopg2
        * #6997, Paginator fails with one element
        * #7064, Decimal validator fails when both params are equal.
        * #6948, join filter, string literal escaped (it should not).
        * #6928, commit_on_succes + KeyboardInterrupt hide exceptions.

Those five have been in Unreviewed for between 2 and 3 months and, I
believe, are those kind of bugs that we'd like to fix before 1.0

Now, the thing is that we all know that core developers can't take a
look at the 1111 patches currently open to pick those that should be
fixed before 1.0 and there's no way right now that triagers can pick
those for them (except compilling a list and mailling it).

But the issue is not with the 1111 tickets, it's on the fact that bugs
filled againts the beta/rc releases and that should be fixed could stay
in the limbo too long, and that what can screw the Schedule. If core
developers miss a ticket that has to be pre-1.0 it will be missed.

The point is, as triagers are supposed to have good criteria on that, to
enable the "Milestones" again and restrict the Milestone field to be
only settable by Triagers?

I think somebody asked for the milestones in these thread, I'm just
telling one reason to have it.


PS: Note: telenieko in TRAC is me (Regarding [7632])
http://www.marcfargas.com -- will be finished some day.

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