El mar, 08-07-2008 a las 01:24 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> So our team is very fond of Ticket 3148 "Add getters and setters to
> model fields" which is in the "ready for checkin" stage. Does that
> mean it will be merged to the trunk soon (and thus become part of v1
> release)?

Not exactly, "Ready for checkin" means that the ticket has everything it
needs to be checked in. But does not say in what time. As it does not do
something fancy it can get in either before v1 or later, it depends on
if somebody has time to commit it.

> If not, what is the designation for tickets that will be part of v1?

Look here: http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/VersionOneFeatures
Those are the ones that *must* or *may* be for 1.0

http://www.marcfargas.com -- will be finished some day.

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