On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Tobias McNulty <tob...@caktusgroup.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Dan <redalas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I didn't know about rosetta. What would you guys think of having a doc
>> section about popular third party apps?

Putting a list of applications really isn't the right solution - for
one thing, the list of available applications changes much faster than
Django does. Secondly, the core team doesn't want to get into the
business of officially blessing certain applications.

A wiki page doesn't really solve the problem either. If you make it an
exclusive list, someone has to decide who is on the list and who
isn't. If you make it a comprehensive list, a wiki page will very
rapidly become unusable due to the volume of reusable apps out there -
wiki format doesn't provide a lot of creative options for
indexing/organizing content on multiple axes.

> I think this is best done through a third party site.  Look at the success
> of DjangoGigs.  I don't know that there's a de facto place to look for apps
> yet, but I bet a winner will emerge in time.

I agree - and for those that aren't aware of the options out there,
I'm aware of at least 3 sites that already do this:


Once upon a time http://djangopluggables.com/ would have been on this
list too. However, that site has been down for a couple of months now,
and nobody seems to know what happened to it.

One of the topics of discussion at DjangoCon was a discussion of what
(if anything) the DSF could do to assist with community resources such
as these. So - watch this space for developments, but in the meantime,
try out the options that already exist, and if you aren't happy with
any of them, try to make something better - or better yet, offer to
help make one of the existing candidates better.

Russ Magee %-)

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