On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 3:57 PM, mrts <mrts.py...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As I have said to you in the past - if you want to make your
>> contribution to Django to be a DVCS  repository that acts as a staging
>> area for trunk-ready patches, that would be a very helpful
>> contribution. This is doubly true during a sprint - sprints generate a
>> lot of activity, so having good lieutenants to triage contributions is
>> extremely useful.
> Done, http://github.com/django-mq/django-mq .
> I'm willing to regularly review pull requests and add
> collaborators who are willing to do the same.

Have you received any pull requests on this?   If not, why do you
think this is?  If so, how has the integration work gone?

>  Few or no people will use the repo
> unless there's a general consensus that it's a good thing.
> That consensus can only come from clear understanding of
> it's purpose and workflow (the "essays") -- only then can
> people start contributing. Otherwise they will feel that
> it's a waste of their time on an obscure fringe thing.

I can see that a sprint repo could be useful for sharing work between
multiple people working on the same feature.  If etherpad supported
editing trees, less so.  But at the end of the day, core gets a patch
to test and apply; how does a DVCS repo make this better?

Perhaps it would make it easier to keep patches fresh if there's a
long period where the patch is  "done" but not committed.  Maybe you
could do this as a value-add to gain karma: look for useful but old
patches in trac; pull those bitrotten patches into your tree, and
update them.  Provide a link to the updated tip in those trac tickets.


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