On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Mat Clayton <m...@wakari.co.uk> wrote:
> Great, have to confess I don't know the ORM internals at all, so not sure
> how long this could take me, shall see what I can do. Also any indications
> of where/what to start looking for would be appreciated.

In the end, db_index_together will be a combination of
unique_together's Meta handling, and db_index's index building. If you
follow the threads that make those two features work, you should be
able to cobble together something.

> 'db_index_together' seems fair enough, will be trivial to change later
> anyway.
> With respect to db support I assume all backend's need support in any patch?

All backends will need to be supported before anything hits trunk.

However, if you don't have the facilities to test a specific backends,
it's ok to submit a patch that hasn't been fully tested. As long as
you declare up front anything that you know to be untested, I'll
probably accept a patch that makes allowances for the differences
between backends and "looks right on visual inspection".

Of course, if you *are* able to produce a patch that works for all
backends, that would be excellent, and will dramatically improve the
chances of this getting into trunk for 1.2. The more work I have to do
to finish the patch, the less likely it is I will have the time to
complete the work.

Regardless of whether you attempt the patch or not, you should open a
ticket so that the idea isn't forgotten.

Russ Magee %-)
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