On Saturday 06 February 2010 09:07:33 j...@jeffcroft.com wrote:
> To expound, it seems like you guys are thinking of a re-skinning.
>  I'm not talking about a re-skinning. I'm talking about a complete
>  re- thinking of the admin interface. By 1.2? Not a chance. By 1.3?
>  Maybe. But I wouldn't count on it. I'm talking about bringing the
>  admin to 2010, just like you all brought the models API current
>  after .96. Seriously, what if the models API hadn't changed in
>  five years? Do you think it would be a small project to bring it
>  current? Of course not. It would be huge. This is a serious
>  undertaking, and the idea of doing a "contest" feels like you
>  think it's a commodity. This is a serious project for serious
>  designers, not a g'damn reality TV show.

The original thread seemed to be about re-skinning at most ('refining 
Django admin look').  The choice about whether it goes in is largely 
down to a matter of taste and aesthetics, which is why our normal 
procedures with tickets and feature voting really wouldn't work - for 
an aesthetics 'bug' you can have multiple 'fixes' which are all 
'correct'.  To avoid pointless debate, a contest seems like a good 
idea.  Personally, even a re-skinning brings with it potential design 
problems for existing installations, so I'd have to be convinced the 
re-skinning was a big enough improvement to make up for that - I agree 
with Russell that this definitely isn't something we should be doing 
every few months, or even every year.

If it's a complete re-thinking of the admin interface, it's obviously 
a much bigger undertaking, and brings with it huge implications in 
terms of backwards compatibility.  Even if just the templates were to 
be re-worked, we have to consider all the people who have custom admin 
templates that assume the current block layout etc.  A bigger re-
thinking of the admin would involve even more changes to code.

The models API change that occurred after 0.96 also occurred before 
1.0.  There have been very few breaking changes to it since then (have 
there been any in that department?).

Like Alex, I must have missed a lot of messages to this list if a 
major re-thinking of the admin like this has been repeatedly proposed 
and dismissed.  And it's kind of difficult to assess what is currently 
an extremely vague proposal.


"Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You." Psalm 73:25

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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