On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Christophe Pettus <x...@thebuild.com> wrote:
> A concern here is that composite indexes, like unique, are sensitive to the 
> ordering of the fields, which means that the ordering of the fields in the 
> class declaration becomes important.

a simplistic proposal:

the order of the fields on a composite index is determined by the
exact value given to the primary_key argument.

that way, just setting primary_key=True on a few fields won't
guarantee order, but something like:

class City (models.Model):
    country = models.CharField (max_length=2, primary_key=1)
    state = models.CharField (max_length=2, primary_key=2)
    city = models.CharField (max_length=3, primary_key=2)
    Name = models.CharField (max_length=20)

would set the (country,state,city) primary key in the obvious order.

in short: giving any non-falsy value to primary_key would add the
field to the key, the exact value would determine ordering.


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