Maybe start thinking in other way.

Most of users has JS enabled browsers, if so, modernizr works.
Otherwise jQuery will not work either.

I can't remember when someone who has IE6 hit one of my django based

Maybe convert django to html5, and those who has to care about ie6
support should overwrite doctypes in templates and think about special
widgets. Give them {% block doctype %}<!DOCTYPE html>{% endblock %}.

As far as I know ie6 won't recognize difference if there is doctype
specified, it is specified invalid, or there is none. Therefore it
should not crash.

Probably for 1 developer who needs to support ie6, there is 20 who
does not need to.
For me, this situation is like minority terrorizing the whole nation.

Overwriting admin templates is easy, providing widgets to fallback
html5 input types to text fields seems not to be complicated.

Consider this:

from django.forms.widgets_legacy import *

and we're free to go, providing support for forgotten browsers.

Google on its search main page is using <!DOCTYPE html>, hence IMHO it
is nothing wrong with doctype.

BTW. Who is using proper mimetype with current django doctype in
cotrib admin?

I think that sticking with support for browser that even its creator
wants to die is wrong.
Django should go further and further, not stay in one place, because
of support for legacy features.

Django 1.3 is good, even very good, if someone wants to create django
based webapp with support ie6, should stick to 1.3 version.
Therefore 1.4 should have one of key feature: render with html5 by

BTW. whatwg dropped from HTML5 its 5 in the name
In that case IE6 is not HTML complaint and browser specific hacks
should not be a official and main part of framework.

There should be point of no return for this. And I think that 1.3 is
very good release to end support for legacy browsers.
Otherwise why not to support lynx and table based design?
I use terminal browsers from time to time. I think it is even more
important, because google bot which greatly influence on our potential
revenue sees pages like lynx does.

If not support html5 features now before the 1.4 release, then mark
support for ie6 like the XMLField, obsolete and on an accelerated
deprecation schedule.

I rest my case ;}

Matt Harasymczuk

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