Thanks for the suggestions, Rich... I'll try not to repeat what others have 
said, but have a couple notes to add:

should create ./static, ./uploads and ./newproj and ./newproj/ 
> templates 

I could get behind static, and *maybe* even templates, but absolutely not 
uploads. I would argue against Django automatically creating any directories 
inside your project that you wouldn't ever want to check into your VCS, and 
I definitely don't want my user uploads ever getting checked in to my repos. 
As others have noted, there are many other solutions for how those should be 

> and at the end, the commonly used from local settings import * block. 

Others have already spoken out against this, but as extra corroboration see 
our lovely BDFL Jacob's "Best and Worst of 
presentation (particularly slides 46-51) where he argues against this 
explicitly (and rightly, IMHO).

As for the rest: I don't believe in adding magic in order to save a couple 
lines of typing (explicit > implicit), but I am in favor of things we can do 
to encourage best practices where the community agrees. So to that task I 
wish you excellent luck!

All the best,

    - Gabriel

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