On 16 fév, 13:05, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 75 isn't large enough these days for either email or username. We run
> a patched version of django for some time that has changed both these
> fields to 255 characters in order to accommodate the needs of our
> users. See RFC 3696.

This and other issues made us moving away from contrib.auth and
contrib.sessions. It's not too hard to write your own custom
authentication and session middleware, and you can migrate whereever
you want to. The main problem is if you depend on other libraries with
rely on the existance of auth.models.User, like contrib.admin.

Personally, I think a lot of the apps in django.contrib have a lack of
flexibility. Maybe it's good to leave these apps as they are, but
start something like contrib_v2, as the improved version.

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