
I'm another Debian developer co-maintaining Django in Debian.

Le lundi 30 novembre 2015, Florian Apolloner a écrit :
> I am not against including it, but depending on how packaging works in 
> Debian it could be possible to call pycompile with a proper exclusion list 
> instead. The PR itself only works by accident, there are also files in 

We can always add many exceptions but in the end any distro packager wants
to avoid exceptions as we want to automate as much as possible
installations of Python modules (and update to new upstream versions
to make them quickly available to users).

There's a case to be made that the whole process should probably not loose the
information coming setup.py but I'd argue that this information is not
really useful information for packagers until it's properly stored in the
filesystem by the module installation process.

And I would also argue that this would then need to be fixed at the Python
level so that Data is actually stored in separate directories
(/usr/share/something) and not mixed up with Python code.

All in all, I believe our request to be reasonable and I would like
you to consider applying Chris's PR or similar code.

Thank you!

> That said, the amount of issues I have seen in #django due to the 
> debundling of pip in debian/ubuntu is not something I can count on one hand 
> anymore. Most of the time I just gave up and suggested to install pip 
> manually, all problems gone. The syntax error has popped up three times so 
> far (iirc) and requires no fixing aside from educating people.

I find it weird to have such feelings when you go to such lengths to
implement a very nice LTS support policy for Django itself.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Writer/Consultant ◈ Debian Developer

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