I'd love to see better support for PaaS configuration, especially 12-factor. We 
use Heroku, and I've been directly exposed to the challenges and had to come up 
with some of my own solutions. Here's some thoughts I have on the matter, in no 
particular order.

The SECRET_KEY needs to _not_ be required for the `collectstatic` command. I 
haven't tracked down why it currently _is_ required, but it means that I have 
added this line to my project, solely so that my project can be built on Heroku.

SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', 'not-so-secret')

SECRET_KEY is effectively optional (though I'm careful to make sure it's set), 
and I don't see a good reason that should be. Note that environment variables 
aren't normally available during slug build, since changing environment 
variables doesn't re-build the project.

I believe that the biggest current impediment to finding a great solution to 
loading Django settings is that the settings are based on a Module. 
Django-Configurations has done an excellent job of making that into a 
class-based API instead, which allows for mixins and inheritance. Having 
built-in support for this would be an excellent way to allow 3rd party 
solutions to build up settings programatically. In the case we are discussing, 
from the environment.

I believe this would make it far easier for projects like Kristian's 
django-12factor and dj-email-url to work well. dj-email-url is a good idea (put 
all the settings in 1 variable, like dj-database-url), except that all the 
settings are split up at the top-level of the module, making what's 
conceptually one multi-facted setting a multi-line pain.

One possibility would be extending `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` with an optional 
class, separated with a colon, so to get a django-configurations style class 
you'd use `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.settings:MySettings`. Or we could 
change the variable name `DJANGO_SETTINGS`, which would allow us to avoid the 
colon: `DJANGO_SETTINGS=myproject.settings.MySettings`. Or paint the bikeshed 
some other color.

I'd love to see some of the support for environment configurations brought into 
Django, but IMO moving away from a module based settings API is a more pressing 
concern that would enable 3rd party libraries to come up with elegant solutions.

> On Apr 11, 2016, at 4:32 AM, Kristian Glass 
> <googleto...@doismellburning.co.uk> wrote:
> I wrote django12factor to do something similar. One of the things I like 
> least about it is the process of actually using it from your settings.py - 
> there's things in there I'd love to see in the generated default.

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