On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 4:06 PM Adam Johnson <m...@adamj.eu> wrote:

> Hi djangonauts,
> In a blog post earlier this year I outlined my technique to prevent Django
> creating migration files with automatic date names. I had a lot of response
> with other techniques and ended up adding two more techniques to the post.
> It's at
> https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/02/24/how-to-disallow-auto-named-django-migrations/
> .
> The problem with such migration names:
> When you run Django’s manage.py makemigrations, it will try to generate a
>> name for the migration based upon its contents. For example, if you are
>> adding a single field, it will call the migration 0002_mymodel_myfield.py.
>> However when your migration contains more than one step, it instead uses a
>> simple ‘auto’ name with the current date + time, e.g.
>> 0002_auto_20200113_1837.py. You can provide the -n/--name argument to
>> makemigrations, but developers often forget this.
Actually I would prefer all the automatically-generated migration file
names to be ‘auto’ name with the current date + time, e.g.
0002_auto_20200113_1837.py (except the initial migration which could remain
"0001_initial.py"). I don't think there is a need to name the migrations
and actually migration names such as "0004_user_has_confirmed_email.py"
(which is one of our migrations in Speedy Net) makes it look like someone
named it specifically, although it's also automatically generated by
Django. Also I prefer the file name to contain the date the migration was
generated. Most of our migrations, at least 98% I think, were generated
automatically by running "make_migrations" and I would like to keep it this
way. Only rarely I would find a need to manually write a migration. If the
file name is not like ‘auto’ name with the current date + time, it looks
like a migration which was written by a developer.


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