Hi Flo,

> And there are plenty more things to consider; for instance I do not
> agree that it makes sense to have "SECRET_KEY" default to a value when
> missing in the env. It is way to easy to type "SECRT_KEY" and never
> realize that. So if "SECRET_KEY" is taken from the environment it should
> fail loudly if it is not present. "DEBUG" is in a similar category there
> but could default to False to be safe.

There is a trade-off between security and development convenience here.
At the moment, the settings generated by manage.py startproject are
geared towards development (random default value for SECRET_KEY, DEBUG =
False). Personally, I like to keep that convenience, so I do

SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get(SECRET_KEY, original_default_value)

There is also manage.py check --deploy. This catches DEBUG = True, but
not SECRET_KEY. Would it be a good idea to prefix the default SECRET_KEY
with something like "insecure-" and check for that in manage.py check

> I personally rather have no solution in Django itself before forcing a
> half-baked one down everyone. Also please note that the bar to add this
> to Django is very high since it can (at least for things like
> django-environ) easily live outside of Django with no realy downside.

René Fleschenberg

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