also sprach Dougal Matthews <> [2009.05.23.1103 +0200]:
> I don't think tagging is a particularly hard or non-trivial.

No. All the more reason to push for a standard and prevent dozens
of different implementations, no?

> Anyway, this conversation is a bit irrelevant because; Core
> developers want contrib to be slim, so its going to have a really
> strong usecase to get in.

I probably won't be hard to make a use-case for this, given how tags
are omnipresent in the Web 2.0 and part of the "Semantic Web" idea.
They are also incredibly useful at structuring information. Sure,
it's easy to do, but why should't the feature be in Django?

I think I'll collect some more information and then take this to the
-devel list.

> If you start adding 'tagging' a huge number of other things start
> to feel like they need to be added too. It because a case of well,
> you added tagging, so why not this?

If there are strong use-cases, why not?

> Also, what benefit do we really get from having it in contrib? Ok,
> so it means everybody has it but by the sounds of things everybody
> uses it anyway...
> The difference between it being in contrib and being external is
> very minimal to the developer that uses it.

I disagree. For me, it's the difference of having to track it
myself, or letting my distro do that.

martin | |
"love is a grave mental disease."
                                                             -- platon

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