Fair enough. I don't really have an issue with the idea, could be quite handy.

I can just imagine them saying no :) so thought I would question it as
a move/idea.

Also, might be a good idea to wait until 1.1 is out the door so they
have time to consider it properly...


On 23/05/2009, martin f krafft <madd...@madduck.net> wrote:
> also sprach Dougal Matthews <douga...@gmail.com> [2009.05.23.1103 +0200]:
>> I don't think tagging is a particularly hard or non-trivial.
> No. All the more reason to push for a standard and prevent dozens
> of different implementations, no?
>> Anyway, this conversation is a bit irrelevant because; Core
>> developers want contrib to be slim, so its going to have a really
>> strong usecase to get in.
> I probably won't be hard to make a use-case for this, given how tags
> are omnipresent in the Web 2.0 and part of the "Semantic Web" idea.
> They are also incredibly useful at structuring information. Sure,
> it's easy to do, but why should't the feature be in Django?
> I think I'll collect some more information and then take this to the
> -devel list.
>> If you start adding 'tagging' a huge number of other things start
>> to feel like they need to be added too. It because a case of well,
>> you added tagging, so why not this?
> If there are strong use-cases, why not?
>> Also, what benefit do we really get from having it in contrib? Ok,
>> so it means everybody has it but by the sounds of things everybody
>> uses it anyway...
>> The difference between it being in contrib and being external is
>> very minimal to the developer that uses it.
> I disagree. For me, it's the difference of having to track it
> myself, or letting my distro do that.
> --
> martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
> "love is a grave mental disease."
>                                                              -- platon
> spamtraps: madduck.bo...@madduck.net

Sent from my mobile device

Dougal Matthews - @d0ugal

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