On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:43 PM, martin f krafft <madd...@madduck.net> wrote:
> Look what I found! Check out the fifth point, labeled #1, top-most
> annoyance with Python, in


While I like it as much as the next guy, django-tagging, to take your
example, is currently sitting at version 0.2.1, released in January
*2008*. It doesn't work with 1.0.x Django or with the forthcoming
1.1.x Django (per the note on its home page telling people to use an
SVN checkout). Prior to 0.2.1, there are two releases available; one
(0.2) just prior to the current release and the other (0.1) in May
2007. And there are currently over a hundred unresolved tickets open
in its issue tracker (by way of comparison, that's about three times
as many tickets as are open for the 1.1 milestone for the entire
Django framework).

Again: I like the app, and I like the folks behind it, but that just
won't cut it as a candidate for contrib. There's got to be strong
evidence that somebody's committed to fixing bugs and keeping the
application up-to-date and, right now, that just doesn't exist.

And, really, this is the sort of thing that leads me to say it
shouldn't be in contrib right now. We do need to have some sort of
document outlining criteria, but I'd like to think that commitment to
a stable API (e.g., the author is willing to call it "1.0"), and to
support and updates are absolute requirements.

And lest anyone complain, I'll point out that I'm living by that
standard as well; I've got several applications in the wild which seem
to be popular (one's even being packaged and distributed by Debian,
much as that frightens me), but I know that so far none of them live
up to the expectations I'd have of something in contrib, and so I
haven't really made any noise about why they're not in there.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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