
On Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 11:19:20AM -0700, Peter M. Goldstein wrote:

> it definitely seems clear that some sort of modification to the lookup
> algorithm would be required to address the issue.

Right.  We attempted to specify some system that would sort this all
out over in the DBOUND WG, but that WG failed because of disagreement
about whether we cared about web-type (cross-site issues, cookies,
&c.) problems or anti-spam (roughly, "parent's policy wins") issues.

> 1. A domain which contains two public suffixes - i.e. abc.gov.uk, which
> contains the public suffixes .gov.uk, .uk.

> 2. A domain which contains three or more public suffixes - I'm not sure given
> the content of the public suffix list today that you can actually construct 
> one
> of these.

These are both a species of the same problem, yes.  The solution so
far has been to say that you're supposed to match the longest of the
candidate set.  There is a possible hitch because of non-terminals,
which never have any real records in them but that might have
subordinate things that are also public suffixes.  Except for .jp (and
I'm not sure there), I think nobody is doing that any more.  Some of
us argued that the system ought to accommodate such uses anyway, and
others argued that we shouldn't solve any problem nobody has today
(and tell people who later invent this problem, "Don't do that").

> 3. New gTLDs - With the recent expansion of the list of TLDs, many of the new
> TLDs are controlled by a single organization.  It may make sense to allow 
> those
> gTLDs to define a DMARC record on the TLD itself or on some 'default' domain -
> both for administrative simplification and to ensure against abuse.

Do you mean this _across_ TLDs (e.g. the "variants" case such as
differnet spellings of China depending on the writing system) or do
you just mean that the top most label and everything flowing down from
there is all under the same policy?

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

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