On 7/11/18 9:39 PM, John Levine wrote:

The header bloat war was over years ago, and bloat won.  See the
headers below from a Hotmail message I just sent to myself.  And
remember that most messages have two copies of the contents, one as
text and one as overformatted HTML.

I'm not particularly fond of the "everyone else is bloating their message headers, so we'll do more of that" argument. But I'll leave it at that.

However, the additional message header fields do require generation and verification. Generating and verifying AAR and AMS signatures requires additional computation (OK, Moore's Law so I shouldn't worry about that) and potentially additional public key retrieval from DNS. Verification of ARC Seals (and determining the oldest-pass value, if that is done) will probably require different public keys for each, which will probably create more DNS requests and may insert more latency as those responses are received.

I suggest that as part of WG Last Call that the DNS Directorate be consulted, largely to socialize this with them so they aren't surprised by the request load requirements.


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