On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 7:55 PM Barry Leiba <barryle...@computer.org> wrote:

> 1. IETF has installed a very ugly workaround to the problem, rewriting the
> "from" header field.  It's absolutely a workaround, and not a proper
> solution.


> 2. Without the workaround, the real pain is not that a message from
> Comcast posted to the list doesn't get to you (though that's true): the
> real pain is that if Valimail rejects (bounces) those messages, the Mailman
> software will eventually unsubscribe you -- YOU, not the Comcast user --
> from the list for exceeding the bounce threshold.

Thank you; this helps my understanding.

> 3. Even with the workaround, I see, as a list owner, several unsubscribe
> notifications a week due to excessive bounces.

You lose me here. Are you saying that the workaround doesn't always work?
Can you elaborate, please?

> The damage to mail list operations is real, and expecting every mailing
> list manager to install an ugly workaround is not the right answer.
> Telling those deploying DMARC what interoperability problems an
> inappropriate choice of p=reject causes, and telling them not to do that...
> is the right answer.
> And, as I said, when they decide that their needs are more important than
> those interoperability problems, they have that right, and at least they
> will now be making an informed decision.  The standard needs to say this.
I'm on board with telling those deploying DMARC what interoperability
problems can be caused by a choice of p=reject, but I'm not on board with
telling them not to do that.

Here's why...

It is my belief that there is strong support in the mailbox provider
community for email authentication, because authenticated identities are
stable anchors to which reputation can be attached.

A current tool for establishing email authentication is DMARC, which is
designed to ensure that the use of the domain in the RFC5322.From header is
authorized by the domain owner.

The p= tag, insofar as it has an effect on the disposition of
unauthenticated mail, has never been more than a polite request by the
domain owner; RFC 7489 made clear that the message receiver could honor or
ignore it as it wished.

What the p= tag is useful for, however, is as a signal to declare how far
along a domain owner is in its journey to authenticating all mail making
authorized use of its domain in the RFC5322.From header. For me, p=none
means "we're sticking our toe in the water and auditing our practices
through the rua reports"; p=quarantine is analogous to "we think we've got
it all" (not unlike SPF's "~all"); p=reject means "we're done; if it's not
authenticated, it didn't come from us". This signal can be useful to a mail
receiver in deciding how much weight to give failing authentication when
deciding a message's disposition.

We've already got text in DMARCbis in the Policy Enforcement Considerations
section that further weakens the idea that p= is even a polite request.
Compare the second paragraphs of those sections:

RFC 7489

   Mail Receivers MAY choose to accept email that fails the DMARC
   mechanism check even if the Domain Owner has published a "reject"
   policy.  Mail Receivers need to make a best effort not to increase
   the likelihood of accepting abusive mail if they choose not to comply
   with a Domain Owner's reject, against policy.  At a minimum, addition
   of the Authentication-Results header field (see [AUTH-RESULTS
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7489#ref-AUTH-RESULTS>]) is
   RECOMMENDED when delivery of failing mail is done.  When this is
   done, the DNS domain name thus recorded MUST be encoded as an


Mail Receivers **MAY** choose to accept email that fails the DMARC

mechanism check even if the published Domain Owner Assessment Policy

is "reject". In particular, because of the considerations discussed

in [@!RFC7960], it is important that Mail Receivers **SHOULD NOT** reject

messages solely because of a published policy of "reject", but that

they apply other knowledge and analysis to avoid situations such as

rejection of legitimate messages sent in ways that DMARC cannot

describe, harm to the operation of mailing lists, and similar.

My fear is that adding further text to DMARCbis that says "MUST NOT
use p=reject" along with the new language in Policy Enforcement
Considerations results in a spec that says:

   1. As a domain owner, you can request treatment for unauthenticated
mail, but your request may not (and probably will not) be honored, and
by the way
   2. You mustn't request treatment anyway

The next step in that path is a world where the p= tag loses its
usefulness as a proxy for where a domain owner is in its
authentication journey, because everyone's at p=none, because DMARCbis
says so.

At this point, DMARC becomes useless, because one of two things happen:

   1. Failed authentication loses its meaning as a signal because no
one knows whose authentication policies are thought to be solid and
whose aren't, or
   2. Failed authentication is given more weight than it should be
given because a DMARC record becomes a de facto p=reject, because no
one knows whose authentication policies are thought to be solid and
whose aren't

Anyway, this is why I continue to support the idea of describing the
interoperability issues, but opposed to the idea of telling domain
owners not to use p=reject.


*Todd Herr * | Technical Director, Standards and Ecosystem
*e:* todd.h...@valimail.com
*m:* 703.220.4153

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