> On Apr 14, 2023, at 7:43 PM, Mark Alley 
> <mark.alley=40tekmarc....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Its not ideal, but I could live with that. That's somewhat less ambiguous 
> than [general purpose] domains, but still ambiguous; the Appendix or the same 
> section could easily clarify "unrestrictive usage policies",  and then maybe 
> the appendix, as you say, could cover the known issues and workarounds. 
> If I'm being honest, given the different versions put forth so far, it seems 
> like this type of language is closer to the compromise on the 
> interoperability statement. The other versions say relatively the same thing. 
> - Mark Alley

I think what Mark’s saying isn’t perfect for but I think it can get the rough 
consensus we’re seeking. That’s my humble opinion.

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