It appears that Barry Leiba  <> said:
>> Is “generally” true here? I think I have seen exceptions to DKIM signatures 
>> being valid on relayed
>> messages, although I can’t dig up any examples right now.
>You seem to be answering the question you're asking.  I know of none
>of these relays that break DKIM signatures, but we hear that some do.

FYI, the IETF's mail relay for role accounts like WG chairs breaks
DKIM signatures. It's a bug, but it took quite a while to realize what
the problem was, since some signatures get through OK. It's an old
python library helpfully tidying up the message headers.

Fixing the bug is nontrivial due to the cruftiness of the surrounding
code. See tools-discuss for way more details.

In theory relays shouldn't break DKIM, in practice ...


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