On July 21, 2023 3:14:58 PM UTC, Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
>On Fri 21/Jul/2023 10:22:06 +0200 Matthäus Wander wrote:
>> Murray S. Kucherawy wrote on 2023-07-08 02:44:
>>> "SHOULD" leaves the implementer with a choice.  You really ought to do what 
>>> it says in the general case, but there might be circumstances where you 
>>> could deviate from that advice, with some possible effect on 
>>> interoperability.  If you do that, it is expected that you fully understand 
>>> the possible impact you're about to have on the Internet before proceeding. 
>>>  To that end, we like the use of SHOULD [NOT] to be accompanied by some 
>>> prose explaining when one might deviate in this manner, such as an example 
>>> of when it might be okay to do so.
>> The elaborated Interoperability Considerations in Barry's proposal gives the 
>> implementer guidance to understand the impact. In my understanding, SHOULD 
>> is ought to be followed, unless the implementer has good reasons not to. The 
>> burden of justification is on the implementer, not on the spec.
>The implementer, in turn, passes the buck to the user.  To quote Cisco's email 
>security appliance[*]:
>    The default behavior of the ESA is to never drop any messages unless
>    explicitly instructed by the customer, so default DMARC verification
>    profile will have all actions set to “No Action”.
>It has to stay that way until we fix forwarding.
>>> Does anyone have such an example in mind that could be included here? 
>>> Specifically: Can we describe a scenario where (a) a sender publishes 
>>> p=reject (b) with users that post to lists (c) that the community at large 
>>> would be willing to accept/tolerate?
>> The scenario I have in mind is a business domain with a high demand for 
>> protection from exact domain spoofing and a low to no demand for list 
>> communication. Note the wording in Barry's proposal: "users who *might* post 
>> messages to mailing lists" (not: "users that post to lists").
>ADSP characterized them as domains /with no individual human users/.  Yet that 
>helps only the sender side of the equation.  Since human receivers /might/ 
>want to forward messages to another mailbox, we're back to a protocol with no 
>humans on either side.  A rather disconcerting position.
>Maybe one day there will be a DMARC with batteries included, where 
>implementers ship default configurations which are effective out of the box.  
>While I don't know how to get there, I think it's counter-productive to exact 
>perfect compliance during the transition.  There have to be people who think 
>they have good reasons to push, otherwise we won't move.
It's not a transition until there's something to transition to.  Currently it's 
a bridge to nowhere.

Scott K

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